Fridays at 9am drop-in
I love handstands. They have kept me grounded through many aerial injuries and made me a much more stable and strong physical artist in general. I've studied with Elena Borodina, Daniel Liddiard, and Chris Gatti. In addition, I use my kinesiology knowledge and experience as a master Pilates teacher to add on to the drills of my teachers and create new ones unique to my students' needs. Handstanding is an excellent physical practice and mental practice, whether you approach it for health reasons, artistic pursuit, or just plain fun!
In-person classes at the Bellingham Circus Guild
level: experienced beginner meaning you can kick up to a wall unassisted and be there for 10 seconds (against wall). You do NOT need to know how to balance!
private lessons advised for those over coming shoulder or wrist injuries, or those needing assistance to kick up
cost is $20 per class